#KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything

#KnowtheTruth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything

B. inggris Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use the present passive voice or past passive voice.​

Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use the present passive voice or past passive voice.​


1. More satelittes are sent into space every year

2. Telephone calls are often made via satelittes.

3. The local people said that the causeway was built by an enormous giant.

5. The costumer was given $100 voucher gift.

6. Satellittes are used in many different ways.

7. The swimming pool is cleaned between 7:00 to 8:00 every morning.

8. Fresh milk is sold in the campsite every morning.

9. Satelittes are used to broadcast the television signals

10. I wasn't told that you were sick.

11. I was given three hours (by my mother) to finish my homework

12. The dog isn't allowed in the campsite.


Kalimat di atas semua merupaka bentuk passove voice tapi objek kalimatnya tidak disebutkan (tidak ada by______ ).

Ini adalah praktek biasa dalam hal objek tersebut tidaklah signifikan dalam kalimat tersebut, karena yang dipentingkan adalah bagian lain kalimat, atau orang bisa menyimpulkan siapa objeknya.

Misalnya soal 1:

1. More satelittes are sent into space every year

(Makin banyak satelit yang dikirimkan ke luar angkasa setiap tahun).

Di sini tidak ada dicantumkan by____ (oleh siapa satelit itu diluncurkan) , karena inti kalimatnya bukan soal itu tapi soal satelitnya sendiri.

Dan tanpa disebutkan juga orang akan menyimpulkan bahwa yang meluncurkan pastilah perusahaan yang bisnisnya sangat tergantung dengan satelit.

Semoga bermanfaat, tetap semangat.
